Financial Accountability
Since 2003, the SLF has raised more than $200 million in support of grassroots organizations working on the frontlines of HIV and AIDS in Africa.

Financial Overview 2023–2024
From July 2023 to June 2024, the SLF raised $9 million in support of 98 organizations working in 14 countries.

Financial Statements
The Foundation’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Our auditors are Grant Thornton LLP Chartered Accountants. Audited financial statements are available below in PDF format. Click to view the relevant financial statement:
The Stephen Lewis Foundation is a charitable organization in good standing with Canada Revenue Agency. The CRA website provides annual charity returns for all years, up to and including F2024. To view these annual charity returns, please visit the Foundation’s listings here.
The Stephen Lewis Foundation’s charitable registration number is 89635 4008 RR0001.
Imagine Canada Standards Program

The Stephen Lewis Foundation believes that transparency and accountability are essential. With this in mind, we are proud to be accredited by Imagine Canada’s Standards Program.
The Standards Program awards accreditation to charities and nonprofits that demonstrate excellence in board governance, financial accountability and transparency, fundraising, staff management, and volunteer involvement. By adhering to these standards, we are complying with generally accepted practices for soliciting and managing donor dollars.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding our adherence to the code. To learn more about the Standards Program, please visit imaginecanada.ca.