Give Monthly
Monthly contributions are the heart of the Foundation’s work, providing the security that’s required to plan into the future in a consistent and thoughtful way. Your sustained monthly support is invaluable and enables our grassroots partners to help turn the tide of HIV and AIDS. Your contributions also help to safeguard the progress already made against AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa.
Dear Friend,

My name is Janet Solberg and I am also Stephen Lewis’ sister and, of course, a lifelong supporter of the Foundation. It is wonderful to speak to you directly after so much time. I hope you continue to keep safe and well.
I don’t need to tell you how difficult the last couple of years have been. And as difficult as it has been for us here in Canada — the terrible isolation and health scares — it is even tougher for our partners in Africa.
The truth is AIDS is falling off the radar — yet again — to the crisis of COVID and the war in Ukraine. And international donor dollars are becoming alarmingly scarce.
That’s why I agreed to write this letter, and ask you to become a monthly donor. I can personally attest to its simplicity and importance.
On a practical level, I find it relatively effortless to give money every month. It’s easier on my bank account and, in the end, it bumps up my annual donation.
On a prudent level, I know that I am saving the Foundation administrative costs. They don’t have to use precious resources to remind me to make a donation. It just happens every month.
On a mindful level, I know that monthly giving provides reliable and predictable funding to our frontline partners.
That consistency is important, in no small measure to counter the cruel cutbacks of donor countries. But it’s more than that. It’s because the work of our partners demonstrates, irrefutably, that community-based groups provide the best and strongest response to the AIDS pandemic.
Thank you,

Become a monthly donor today by setting up pre-authorized monthly withdrawals from your credit card or bank account. Find out how, and watch a video message from Stephen Lewis about the power of monthly donors below.
“One of the things I most value about the SLF is its constant, ongoing commitment to the partners in sub-Saharan Africa. For me, the idea of monthly giving is my way to share in this commitment.”
– Theresa Randles, Grandmothers of Steel
The Power of Monthly Donors
A video message from Stephen Lewis about the impact of monthly giving.