
Angella’s triumph: Adversity to excellence in education

Photo Credit: Nyaka

Description: Angella and her mother on graduation day at Nyaka's Kutamba Primary School in Uganda.

Location: Uganda

Angella and her mother on graduation day at Nyaka's Kutamba Primary School in Uganda.

Twenty years since Nyaka was founded, 16-year-old Angella is a graduate of its Kutamba Primary School, emerging as an epitome of resilience and dedication.

Angella joined the school in 2015 as a determined young student. Although she faced challenges, including the long walk to and from school every day and the disruptions of COVID-19 lockdowns, she was not discouraged and remained resolute to pursue her education. When the results of Uganda’s national Primary Leaving Examinations were recently released, Angella stood out as the top student at Kutamba Primary School. She excelled in all subjects and earned an A+ in her favourite subject: mathematics.

It took the effort of my teachers, family and especially Nyaka's provision of all necessary school requirements for me to achieve this goal. I want to thank Nyaka from the bottom of my heart for giving me the best education, because without this, I would be home working in people’s gardens for a livelihood.

— Angella

As she celebrates her accomplishments together with her family, Angella is exuberant. “I never expected that I would get such a great grade,” she says. “It took the effort of my teachers, family and especially Nyaka’s provision of all necessary school requirements for me to achieve this goal. I want to thank Nyaka from the bottom of my heart for giving me the best education, because without this, I would be home working in people’s gardens for a livelihood.”

Angella aspires to become a nurse so she can contribute to the well-being of her community. Nyaka played a pivotal role in Angella’s success by providing essential resources that Angella and her peers needed for their education. Apart from providing textbooks and uniforms, Nyaka’s support also creates an environment where dreams can flourish.

Did you know? Education cuts the risk of women and girls newly acquiring HIV in half. Education also leads to better socio-economic outcomes, not just for the girls, but for their families and communities.

Angella before her graduation ceremony.
Angella and her peers on graduation day.

Invest in education. Invest in an AIDS-free future.