Gloria Nkoma, volunteer teacher and caregiver at a centre supported by CAVWOC.

Photo Credit: Eva Gilliam

Description: Gloria Nkoma, volunteer teacher and caregiver at a centre supported by CAVWOC.

Location: Malawi

You can make a difference today for health and human rights!

Through local action and global solidarity, you can help address the inequities that drive the HIV epidemic. Please make your gift now.

I will take action to end AIDS today.

Photo Credit: Eva Gilliam

Description: Gloria Nkoma, volunteer teacher and caregiver at a centre supported by CAVWOC.

Location: Malawi

You can make a difference today for health and human rights!

Through local action and global solidarity, you can help address the inequities that drive the HIV epidemic. Please make your gift now.

I will take action to end AIDS today.

Championing health and human rights with community‑led partners to end AIDS.

Get our new Impact Report

In our new SLF Impact Report, you’ll find inspiring stories and interviews with women leading transformative change in 14 countries across Africa.

Read the Impact Report

Invest in a future free from AIDS.

When you join as a monthly donor, you enable community-led organizations to sustainably plan over the long-term to end the HIV epidemic.

Become a monthly donor

Read our Annual Report

Thank you for your solidarity with the SLF and our community partners. Read our annual report to learn about the impact of your support.

Get the Annual Report

Photo Credit: DeLovie Kwagala

Description: SSI

Location: Botswana

Watch inspiring short films on work to end violence

Learn from SLF partners about community efforts to end gender-based violence and the HIV epidemic in our new digital report, Hope in Action.

Photo Credit: Eva Gilliam

Description: Musasa Project

Location: Zimbabwe

Areas of Work

For 20 years, the SLF has supported community-led partners across a broad range of program areas from health to education to violence prevention.

Watch our thank you message to you and all of our SLF supporters!

This year, you gave the gifts of hope, health and human rights! This message was created for you by SLF staff, board members and partners to share our heartfelt gratitude for your impactful support.